I was reading this article at Strollerderby this morning about the recent study that found that some of the popular brands of baby bottles contain, and leak out, a substance called Bisphenol A. From the article:
Bisphenol A has been linked by scientists to cancers, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity (WTF? Does everything cause that?), diabetes and hyperactivity. (Karen)
There is more information on this at Environment California (there is a PDF at the top of the page that includes information about the chemical and recommendations for parents and policymakers.)
Some agencies claim that Bisphenol A is safe at low levels. BfR Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, located in Germany, says that under normal domestic use the levels of Bisphenol A are safe.
I don't know who to believe, but I went ahead and searched for glass baby bottles this morning. The only place I could find them was at Amazon; Evenflo Glass Bottles. Don't be fooled by the low price though, the shipping was more than the bottles.
What I've learned from all the reading I've done this morning is that if you are using any of the bottles that contain Bisphenol A (Avent, Dr. Brown, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex) don't use hot water or harsh detergents to wash them as it increases leakage of the chemical. Of course,that is exactly what I've been doing. I always soak the bottles and parts (we use Dr. Brown's) in hot, soapy water before washing them. Ugh!
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