Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm Movin! (Kind of)

Google Tutor just ran a great contest, and I was one of the winners!

Having your blog url read "" is bad. Most people consider these urls as spam. I haven't had any problems using Blogger, except for the template stuff, but I have considered getting my own domain for this blog because of the perception that some people have about Blogger. Google Tutor thinks it's so bad he ran a contest saying he would pay $10 to 6 Blogger bloggers to get a domain name and help them set it up. I entered, and I won. Yippee!! So sometime this week this blog's new address will be Everything else will stay the same. Thanks Google Tutor!


Anonymous said...

New spam free domain is rocking now! Thanks for playing!

-Google Tutor

BillyWarhol said...


& Congrats Google Tutor for bringing this to our attention!

Cheers! Billy ;))


Nancy said...

Yay! I'm moved. Thanks so much Tutor! :)