Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Timely Email

This arrived in my inbox today. Just when I am at the end of my rope after a night spent crying because I spent 10 hours straight trying to work on an assignment that was due last night, but couldn't because I also had to chase a one year old around the house for those 10 hours. I still have not finished that assignment. I am frustrated. I am tired. I want so badly to just give up. But how stupid would that be? Ya, very. This was just the little reminder I needed today.



As a working student, you may feel there's too much to do and not enough time—especially with the holidays coming. You're juggling your job, your friends, your family and your studies. Feeling overworked, over extended and overwhelmed, you may think of putting your education on hold or giving up on earning your degree altogether.

But stop and look back at your life. Haven't there been times when you thought "I can't do this!" But you persevered. You did what you thought you couldn't.

Now, picture that day—and believe it or not, it will be here before you know it—when you stroll confidently across that stage to receive your diploma. Imagine the incredible sense of pride you'll feel. And your friends and family, too!

Soon, you'll enjoy the University's regularly scheduled holiday break. But if at any time before or after that you feel you cannot complete another class, please give us a call. We can review options for arranging your class schedule to better meet your needs. Please keep in mind that any change in your schedule can impact your student loans. You'll want to talk with your academic representative before making any decisions.

Remember, everything worthwhile is worth working for. Earning your degree could be a milestone on your journey to living the life you deserve. In these days of seemingly too many commitments, I hope you'll keep an important commitment to yourself—the commitment you made to complete your degree and pursue your dreams.

I salute you on your hard work and decision to earn your degree. Above all, I look forward to seeing you on graduation day.


Histrel said...

Thank you Nancy for posting this. I am feeling so overwhelmed myself at the moment with housework, college, kids and Christmas. Yet I know that I felt the same last year (even had a sick daughter to tend to also) and I made it! I deferred an exam but I got all my assignments handed in on time. It's hard, especially with a young toddler creating havoc :-) But remember we're all here rooting for you xx

Nancy said...

*hugs* Sharon. I actually thought of you after I posted it, knowing that you are going through the same thing right now. If I can just hang in until the end of May I'll be finished! :) Good luck to you too!