Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Cell Phones Are Nice When They Work

Just got home. Everything worked out...Aaron only had to look frustrated for a brief time and the sales person, Justin, did everything he could. He got the phones charging again, and even gave us new chargers. So we have phones again and don't have to suffer without a way to communicate. We went out to dinner and got a couple movies to watch. I'm gettin on my jammies, grabbing my blankie and lemonade and watching a movie. :)


Anonymous said...

ooooh jammies...I love those! YAY! to the cell phone dewd Justin! lol

How did ya live without them...pfft. I still don't have one! I do have my Nextel though. I should just turn it in to work though...I never use it. :-/

Nancy said...

I thought I was going to die! I could never get ahold of Aaron...I felt helpless. :(