Monday, January 29, 2007


When we first started collecting gear for Baby G, I did a little research on Baby wearing. I thought baby wearing was a fabulous idea; I never did that with my daughter (I hadn't seen anyone else doing it 17 years ago). Not really knowing much about it, or that babies have preferences for how they like to be held, I bought a Baby Bjorn. Baby G hates it. I have tried a few times to get him in it so he could get used to it, he just screams. Who came blame him though. Seeing him in it, it's way too confining and too tight. I really want to be able to wear him. It would not only make my life easier, but I'm sure it would be extremely comforting to Baby G. He loves being held, obviously, so I hold him all day long, until I have to put him down to make a bottle, or wash dishes, or take a picture. I've gotten good at typing with one hand (though these posts take anywhere from a half hour to an hour to type out). Anyway, I did some more research this weekend. This time I was able to take into account how I know Baby G likes to be held; what's comfortable for him. I ended up at Peppermint. They have a great explanation of the different types of carriers. I wanted something that wasn't too confining, something easy to use and versatile. I decided I wanted to try the Rebozo. A rebozo is a shawl that women in Mexico use to carry their babies; it also has dozens of other uses; from a labor aid to a beach wrap. You can see a great demonstration of how to use one here, and a whole lotta photos of people wearing them here.I ordered a traditional rebozo from and I should have it by next Monday. Once I get I'll let you know how it's working out.

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