Monday, November 27, 2006

Maternity Leave Rocks!

I am officially on maternity leave now. My last day at work was Saturday and it's been so great not to have to worry about getting enough sleep to make it through work the next day, or how tired I will be at the end of the day. The nesting instinct is slowly coming on; I've gotten the pantry cleaned out and today I cleaned out the freezer to make room for the frozen meals I plan to cook this week. Sleeping is still not going well. I am so sore after a 2 to 3 hours that I just toss and turn. I usually just get up for a few hours and then go back to bed for a couple hours; take naps during the day. It's also nice to have "me" time before Baby G gets here. I am very much looking forward to him being out in here in the world; not only so I can drink again and enjoy my venti quad caramel machiattos, lol, but I just can't wait to see him!

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