Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Process of Organization, or Why I Love IKEA

Originally uploaded by ladyrhowan.

Aaron and I have a lot of junk. We are both over 30 and we both hate to throw things away. We also both work in the retail book business; both of us for more than 7 years each. This has caused an over abundance of books in our home. Over the past year, we have gotten better at getting rid of things we don't need, but with a baby on the way now it is imperative that we get rid of and organize our stuff. With that in mind we headed out to IKEA yesterday and spent the entire day (except for the two hours we were in the movie theatre next door watching Clerks II) going through IKEA and finding things that would help us in our quest to organize the things we can't get rid of. The day was a success. As soon as we got home I organized cupboards and made more room in them while Aaron put together yet another bookcase, in which I inserted little canvas boxes to hide away clutter. We are going back today to get some more of what has worked so well and a dinning room table; I am so tired of eating my meals in front of the television, and once we have a child I am adamant that we have a place for family dinners. Now I just have to finish putting books in the bookcase, and probably getting one more (we only have room for one more in the apartment) and then we have a game plan for clearing out the outside storage to fit more of what's in our spot for the crib in there. Still lots of work to do, but I am happy to see that we are making progress.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Nancy 4 months prego

Nancy 4 months prego
Originally uploaded by ladyrhowan.

Here I am...4 months along. I keep promising to post belly shots and never get around to it, so here it is. :)
I'm feeling movement now; usually in the evening after dinner, sometimes in the afternoon after lunch. I've gained 20 pounds...waaaaay to much, but I think some of that is from having quit smoking.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Month 4...Lactose Issues

I have been having such an issue with indigestion that I finally realized that it could be lactose intolerance. I'M PREGNANT AND I CAN"T EAT ICE CREAM!!!! The injustice! So I am going to try to be dairy free for the next few days and see if it helps. I ate a couple of shredded chicken tacos last night with just the chicken and lots of dark green lettuce and I felt fine afterwards; I haven't had an issue yet. My doctor recommended that I supplement with Tums, so I am eating lots of Tums now.
I'm going to try to get a belly shot up soon; I just want to post one that doesn't look like I belong in front of a trailer; in the last one I took I was in my jammies and had my shirt hiked up and my pants underneath the belly...it was bad....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July Fire

4th of July Fire
Originally uploaded by ladyrhowan.

Usually on the 4th of July we can sit on our balcony and watch a few fireworks. This year we stayed inside because too many idiots were shooting off guns, but we kept our blinds open so we could see what was going on. At one point we looked out the sliding glass doors and saw a lot of lights and then when we looked next to the lights we saw a lot of fire. Right behind our apartment complex is a big field of very dry grass. There has been a fire here before; luckily our building is far enough inside that we haven't been evacuated yet. Anyway, that was a thrilling as our night got.