Sunday, August 20, 2006

Back to Fun

I've spent the past two days updating my old personal website. I haven't touched it in about 3 years so it needed some serious updating, and I am still no where near where I want to be with it. It is very outdated. I've been having fun with it again and am glad for the forced time away from school.
I've got another belly pic to post and will do that shortly...or sometime later.... Right now I am exhausted and still need to get some housecleaning done.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's A Boy!

It's A Boy!
Originally uploaded by ladyrhowan.

My intuition turned out to be correct. I've had a boy vibe all this time and the ultrasound tech confirmed this morning that , yes indeed, were are definitely having a boy! :)

Sleep and Sex

Not that kind of I'm off this morning to find out the sex of my baby ;) Also, this is the second morning in a row that I have gotten out of bed with having had very little, if any, sleep. That Barenaked Ladies song just keeps going around in my head. Every night I get leg cramps from hell; and yes, I am getting enough calcium. I guess this is mother natures way of preparing me for the loss of sleep after the baby is born; just get used to it now.

So, I'm off to get ready for the big ultrasound in which I find out (I hope) if were are having a little blue baby or a little pink baby. :)